G-Day: Free Google Photo unlimited storage is ending 1st June (tomorrow), 3+1 options I have chosen; are you ready?

Gareth Wong
4 min readMay 31, 2021

Google announced 11th November 2020 that they will stop the free ‘unlimited’ photo service 1st June 2021, capping free storage at 15GB, encouraging people to sign up for its Google One storage subscription service.

Option 1: For best privacy, control, security, nothing is better than having one’s own NAS (network-attached storage) backup devices, this one is recommended by New York Times’ wirecutter service: Synologoy DS 220+ (affiliate link), present bias & anchoring psychology however means many people would balk at spending $300+ on NAS and another few hundreds on a couple of Terrabyte HDs/SSDs (hard discs or for higher performance solid state drives).

Keeping personal control (with a backup schedule), via a home/office NAS is the best way to secure one’s privacy/data, including your photos.

For those that prefer to compare ‘like with like’, focusing on ‘unlimited’ options, below are 3 nearly free options that are good alternatives as of 31st May 2021: some of these services you might have already paid for 1.) Microsoft office 365 2) Amazon prime membership 3) flickr pro membership

1) if you have already office 365, it comes with 1T per user, even for students’ on a free plan

