5+1 Lessons from our plants’ world: for individual, Business and Society..

Gareth Wong
18 min readJun 21, 2021

In our world with click bait, untruth and alternative truth and world of dis intermediated media, what should we do with the time on our hands?

Human mind is one of the greatest thing in the ‘natural’ world, where billion of brain cells, trillion of synapses that can be harnessed to sit or lay around listening to or watching programs or just thinking, it uses similar amount energy whether or not the brain is pushed to create coordination of the body or pushing the bodily organs to do inhuman feats like ultra marathon or organising governments or mass social movements/ protests.

There is one thing for sure, it is that organised human activity is only an atom level in the billion year existence of Milky Way, or speck of sand level in past millennia history of organic history’s existence . Human together has changed landscape, structure of societies to decimate species and externalise future cost of present production activities.

Question is can we, human learn from the natural world on a personal, company and societal basis? I would like to argue that yes, it is quite stupid simple:

Setting the Scene: Good or bad or beautiful? from who’s perspective?

